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Paypod Compact_hero

Paypod™ Compact



Maximize customer utilization of self-checkout by offering cash payment within desired or existing footprint

Increase revenue and profitability with faster throughput, better labor efficiency and reduction of cash shrink

Improve your cash management processes to reduce time spent on reconciliation and set up of cash point

Enhance cash security with secured cash cabinet and industry-leading note and coin validation

Get up and running fast with our universal API - optimize performance for maximum uptime with our data management platform


Make the most of your floor space with compact checkout solutions

Successful checkout technologies begin with exceptional payment technologies. That’s why we design the industry’s most sophisticated, seamless and secure cash handling devices. Retailers benefit from best-in-class automation solutions, and customers benefit from a swift and inclusive checkout experience.

Paypod Compact is the cornerstone of CPI checkout technology, delivering fast, secure, compact cash acceptance in all checkout designs. The new front-access Paypod variant, equipped with CPI note and coin acceptors, enhances the store experience by automating cash acceptance and minimizing wait times for all customers – not only those paying with a card or digital wallet.

Paypod is the easiest way to add cash automation to your self-service or attended lane checkout system. Whether you want to create a fully custom solution, add cash to your existing design, or automate cash handling in attended lanes, we have the right solution for you.